1602A LCD blue Screen 2 Row

ZARĀ 96.12 ZARĀ 83.58
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1602A LCD blue Screen 2 Row:

  • The 1602A LCD is a popular 16x2 character LCD module that displays 32 ASCII characters in two rows. It typically interfaces with Arduino and other microcontrollers.


  • GND: Ground pin.
  • VCC: Voltage-controlled supply (usually linked to 5 volts).
  • Vo (LCD Contrast): Modifies the contrast by employing a potentiometer and a voltage divider network.
  • Register Select (RS): Distinguishes data (HIGH) from commands (LOW).
  • R/W (Read/Write): For write mode, this is usually maintained low (an output device is an LCD).
  • E (Enable): Turns on the display (incoming data is processed by HGH).
  • Data Bus D0-D7: Transports 8-bit information for character display.
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