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Boards and modules can be used for a variety of things, from boards that make LEDs turn on in a sequence, like a traffic light, to modules that can be used as security systems by detecting motion or infra-red sensors. Examples of these are Arduino, Raspberry Pies and displays.
Boards & Modules
1 channel Delay timer control switch relay module 12VZAR 158.01 ZAR 137.40
1 channel Delay timer control switch relay module 24VZAR 158.01 ZAR 137.40
0.28 inch 3 wire Digital Voltage Meter DC0-100V RedZAR 27.69 ZAR 24.08
Two-wire DC voltage meter head 0.56 inch LED digital voltmeter BLUEZAR 37.47 ZAR 32.58Out of stock