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5V stepper motor + ULN2003 stepper motor driver board
- The combination of a 5V stepper motor and a ULN2003 driver board is quite popular for various electronics projects.
- Four LEDs to indicate the active coil
- Simple interface with microcontrollers like Arduino
- Can handle up to 500mA per channel
- Wiring and Control
- 5V Stepper Motor (e.g., 28BYJ-48)
- Voltage: 5V DC
- Type: Unipolar stepper motor
- Steps per Revolution: 32 steps (11.25° per step)
- Gear Reduction Ratio: 64:1, resulting in 2048 steps per revolution
- Torque: Approximately 34.3 mN.m
- Speed: Around 15 RPM
- ULN2003 Driver Board
- Purpose: Controls the stepper motor by energizing the coils in the correct sequence.
Basic wiring setup:
- Connect the motor to the ULN2003 driver board.
- Connect the ULN2003 to the Arduino: IN1 to Arduino pin 8/ IN2 to Arduino pin 9/ IN3 to Arduino pin 10/ IN4 to Arduino pin 11
- Power the motor with an external 5V power supply to avoid damaging the Arduino.
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