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Arduino MCU Mini RS232 To TLL
Arduino MCU Mini RS232 To TLL
- Based on the MAX3232 chip, the MAX3232 Mini RS232 To TTL Converter Module is a tiny, compact converter that converts RS232 (+12V/-12V) to TTL (3V/5V) UART.
- The RS232 transceivers in the MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241 series have a fast speed of up to 1Mbps while using minimal power.
- The dual line of drivers and receivers on the MAX3232 semiconductor is shielded from ESD terminal to terminal connections, including GND.
- For this chip to reduce the required dual supply voltage of ±12V to a single voltage of +3V to +5.5V, it just needs four external tiny capacitors with a value of 0.1µF to charge the pump current.
- Without a doubt, the MAX3222, MAX3232, and MAX3241 sustain RS-232 output levels when operating at data speeds of 120kbps.